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儀表網>產品庫>測量/計量>電子測量>功率計/功率表>羅德與施瓦茨 NRP-Z系列射頻功率探頭 NRP/NRP2功率計

羅德與施瓦茨 NRP-Z系列射頻功率探頭 NRP/NRP2功率計

  • 型號
  • 品牌
  • 所在地蘇州市
  • 更新時間2022-11-20
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 所在地區(qū)蘇州市
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量459
  • 人氣值1921

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蘇州洋嘉電子有限公司致力于自動化測試與測量領域,為客戶提供精密電子測量儀器、自動化測試以及檢測認證等測試解決方案。公司始終本著“以信為本,以質取勝”的宗旨,著眼于市場需求,遠矚,憑借多年來辛勤耕耘和守信的經營,贏得了業(yè)界和顧客的和信任! 公司產品應用于消費電子與家電、汽車與新能源、電源與照明、通訊與醫(yī)療等行業(yè)。客戶有中國航天,中廣核,中國船舶,中國兵器,國電南瑞,中汽研,博世汽車,東風汽車,京東方,同濟大學,上海交大,西交大,蘇大,電科院等。
羅德與施瓦茨 NRP-Z系列射頻功率探頭 NRP/NRP2功率計 產品詳情

羅德與施瓦茨 NRP-Z系列射頻功率探頭 NRP/NRP2功率計(圖1)羅德與施瓦茨 NRP-Z系列射頻功率探頭 NRP/NRP2功率計(圖2)


羅德與施瓦茨 NRP-Z系列射頻功率探頭 NRP/NRP2功率計(圖1)

羅德與施瓦茨 NRP-Z系列射頻功率探頭 NRP/NRP2功率計(圖2)

NRP-Z系列射頻功率探頭無論在實驗室還是在生產線,微波功率計R&S NRP都是你正確的選擇。新穎的R&S NRP系列功率計的通用性主要歸因于新近開發(fā)的功率探頭。這些探頭是智能的獨立儀器,他們與基本單元通訊,或經由數字接口與一個pc機通信?,F在實現的智能傳感技術,建立了根據通用性和準確性要求的新標準。

Three-Path Diode Power Sensors
  • R&S®NRP-Z11 Order No. 1138.3004.02 / 1138.3004.04 R&S®NRP-Z11 Three-Path Diode Power Sensors
    Three-Path Diode Power Sensors

    Fast, accurate and packed with features for CW and modulated signals

    Measurement range: -67 dBm to +23 dBm,
    Frequency range: 10 MHz to 8 GHz,
    N connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z21 Order No. 1137.6000.02 R&S®NRP-Z21 Three-Path Diode Power Sensors
    Three-Path Diode Power Sensors

    Fast, accurate and packed with features for CW and modulated signals

    Measurement range: -67 dBm to +23 dBm,
    Frequency range: 10 MHz to 18 GHz,
    N connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z22 Order No. 1137.7506.02 R&S®NRP-Z22 Three-Path Diode Power Sensors
    Three-Path Diode Power Sensors

    Fast, accurate and packed with features for CW and modulated signals

    Measurement range: -57 dBm to +33 dBm,
    Frequency range: 10 MHz to 18 GHz,
    N connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z23 Order No. 1137.8002.02 R&S®NRP-Z23 Three-Path Diode Power Sensors
    Three-Path Diode Power Sensors

    Fast, accurate and packed with features for CW and modulated signals

    Measurement range: -47 dBm to +42 dBm,
    Frequency range: 10 MHz to 18 GHz,
    N connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z24 Order No. 1137.8502.02 R&S®NRP-Z24 Three-Path Diode Power Sensors
    Three-Path Diode Power Sensors

    Fast, accurate and packed with features for CW and modulated signals

    Measurement range: -42 dBm to +45 dBm,
    Frequency range: 10 MHz to 18 GHz,
    N connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z31 Order No. 1169.2400.02 / 1169.2400.04 R&S®NRP-Z31 Three-Path Diode Power Sensors
    Three-Path Diode Power Sensors

    Fast, accurate and packed with features for CW and modulated signals

    Measurement range: -67 dBm to +23 dBm,
    Frequency range: 10 MHz to 33 GHz,
    3.5 mm connector




Two-Path Diode Power Sensors
  • R&S®NRP-Z211 Order No. 1417.0409.02 R&S®NRP-Z211 Two-Path Diode Power Sensors
    Two-Path Diode Power Sensors

    Cost-effective power measurement solution for production

    Measurement range: -60 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: 10 MHz to 8 GHz,
    N connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z221 Order No. 1417.0309.02 R&S®NRP-Z221 Two-Path Diode Power Sensors
    Two-Path Diode Power Sensors

    Cost-effective power measurement solution for production

    Measurement range: -60 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: 10 MHz to 18 GHz,
    N connector




Thermal Power Sensors
  • R&S®NRP-Z51 Order No. 1138.0005.02 R&S®NRP-Z51 Thermal Power Sensor
    Thermal Power Sensor

    Most accurate power measurements for reference applications and use in calibration labs

    Measurement range: -30 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: DC to 18 GHz,
    N connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z52 Order No. 1138.0505.02 R&S®NRP-Z52 Thermal Power Sensor
    Thermal Power Sensor

    Most accurate power measurements for reference applications and use in calibration labs

    Measurement range: -35 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: DC to 33 GHz,
    3.5 mm connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z55 Order No. 1138.2008.03 R&S®NRP-Z55 Thermal Power Sensor model .03
    Thermal Power Sensor model .03

    Most accurate power measurements for reference applications and use in calibration labs

    Measurement range: -35 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: DC to 40 GHz,
    2.92 mm connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z55 Order No. 1138.2008.04 R&S®NRP-Z55 Thermal Power Sensor model .04
    Thermal Power Sensor model .04

    Most accurate power measurements for reference applications and use in calibration labs

    Measurement range: -35 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: DC to 44 GHz,
    2.92 mm connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z56 Order No. 1171.8201.02 R&S®NRP-Z56 Thermal Power Sensor
    Thermal Power Sensor

    Most accurate power measurements for reference applications and use in calibration labs

    Measurement range: –35 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: DC to 50 GHz,
    2.4 mm connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z57 Order No. 1171.8401.02 R&S®NRP-Z57 Thermal Power Sensor
    Thermal Power Sensor

    Most accurate power measurements for reference applications and use in calibration labs

    Measurement range: –35 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: DC to 67 GHz,
    1.85 mm connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z58  Order No. 1173.7031.02 R&S®NRP-Z58 Thermal Power Sensor 
    Thermal Power Sensor

    Most accurate power measurements for reference applications and use in calibration labs

    Measurement range: –35 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: DC to 110 GHz,
    1.00 mm connector




Wideband Power Sensors
  • R&S®NRP-Z81 Order No. 1137.9009.02 R&S®NRP-Z81 Wideband Power Sensor
    Wideband Power Sensor

    Time domain analysis and automatic pulse analysis for radar applications and universal use

    Measurement range: -60 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: 50 MHz to 18 GHz,
    N connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z85 Order No. 1411.7501.02 R&S®NRP-Z85 Wideband Power Sensor
    Wideband Power Sensor

    Time domain analysis and automatic pulse analysis for radar applications and universal use

    Measurement range: -60 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: 50 MHz to 40 GHz,
    2.92 mm connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z86 Order No. 1417.0109.40 R&S®NRP-Z86 Wideband Power Sensor
    Wideband Power Sensor

    Time domain analysis and automatic pulse analysis for radar applications and universal use

    Measurement range: -60 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: 50 MHz to 40 GHz,
    2.4 mm connector




Average Power Sensors
  • R&S®NRP-Z91 Order No. 1168.8004.02 / 1168.8004.04 R&S®NRP-Z91 Average Power Sensor
    Average Power Sensor

    Accurate average power measurements for EMC applications

    Measurement range: -67 dBm to +23 dBm,
    Frequency range: 9 kHz to 6 GHz,
    N connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z92 Order No. 1171.7005.02 / 1171.7005.42 R&S®NRP-Z92 Average Power Sensor
    Average Power Sensor

    Accurate average power measurements for EMC applications

    Measurement range: -57 dBm to +33 dBm,
    Frequency range: 9 kHz to 6 GHz,
    N connector




Level Control Sensors
  • R&S®NRP-Z28 Order No. 1170.8008.02 R&S®NRP-Z28 Level Control Sensor
    Level Control Sensor

    Highly accurate signal level generation in conjunction with a signal generator

    Measurement range: -67 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: 10 MHz to 18 GHz,
    N connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z98 Order No. 1170.8508.02 R&S®NRP-Z98 Level Control Sensor
    Level Control Sensor

    Highly accurate signal level generation in conjunction with a signal generator

    Measurement range: -67 dBm to +20 dBm,
    Frequency range: 9 kHz to 6 GHz,
    N connector




Power Sensors for other R&S instruments
  • R&S®NRP-Z27 Order No. 1169.4102.02 R&S®NRP-Z27 Power Sensor Module (for use with R&S®FSMR)
    Power Sensor Module (for use with R&S®FSMR)

    Level calibration of signal sources in conjunction with the R&S®FSMR measurement receiver

    Measurement range: -24 dBm to +26 dBm,
    Frequency range: DC to 18 GHz,
    N connector



  • R&S®NRP-Z37 Order No. 1169.3206.02 R&S®NRP-Z37 Power Sensor Module (for use with R&S®FSMR)
    Power Sensor Module (for use with R&S®FSMR)

    Level calibration of signal sources in conjunction with the R&S®FSMR measurement receiver

    Measurement range: -24 dBm to +26 dBm,
    Frequency range: DC to 26.5 GHz,
    3.5 mm connector




  • R&S®NRPZ-K1 Order No. 1418.9800.03 R&S®NRPZ-K1 R&S®NRPV license for one R&S®NRP-Zxx power sensor
    R&S®NRPV license for one R&S®NRP-Zxx power sensor

    Convenient power measurements via PC application


  • R&S®NRP-Z2 Order No. 1146.6750.03 / 1146.6750.05 / 1146.6750.10 / 1146.6750.15
    Sensor Extension Cable

    In some cases the signal source is far away from the base unit. Therefore four different sensor extension cables are available, to get a total length of 3, 5 or 10 meters.


  • R&S®NRP-Z3 Order No. 1146.7005.02
    USB Adapter (active)

    R&S®NRP-Z3 active USB adapter has been developed for applications requiring external triggering of the power sensor. It also offers a separate power supply.


  • R&S®NRP-Z4 Order No. 1146.8001.02 / 1146.8001.04 / 1146.8001.06 / 1146.8001.11
    USB Adapter (passive)

    For all R&S®NRP-Z sensors. The R&S®NRP-Z4 passive USB adapter provides all basic functions, as it handles the transmission of settings and measurement data as well as the power supply of the sensor via the USB bus. Available cable lenghths: 2.0m, 0.5m, 0.15m and 1m (for panel-mount)


  • R&S®NRP-Z5 Order No. 1146.7740.02
    USB Sensor Hub

    R&S®NRP-Z5 can host up to 4 R&S®NRP-Z sensors. A professional trigger solution allows simultaneous internal and external triggering of all connected sensors.

羅德與施瓦茨 NRP-Z系列射頻功率探頭 NRP/NRP2功率計(圖28)


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