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GF+SIGNET 2750/2760 變送器和前置放大器

  • 型號
  • 品牌
  • 所在地深圳市
  • 更新時間2024-10-28
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 入駐年限1
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量274
  • 人氣值2243

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GF+SIGNET 2750/2760 變送器和前置放大器2750-2760傳感變送電路和前置放大器Signet 2750和2760 PH/ORP傳感變送電路和前置放大器,以DryLoc?連接器為特色,提供多種功能以適合各種設備的應用,2760是一種前置放大器,它允許多種PH/ORP電極和大多數Signet的儀表一起工作,為帶其他廠商的儀表,它也能用普通的連接器,前置放大器的信號沒有要求。
GF+SIGNET 2750/2760 變送器和前置放大器 產品詳情
GF+SIGNET 2750/2760 變送器和前置放大器


   Signet 2750和2760 PH/ORP傳感變送電路和前置放大器,以DryLoc?連接器為特色,提供多種功能以適合各種設備的應用,2760是一種前置放大器,它允許多種PH/ORP電極和大多數Signet的儀表一起工作,為帶其他廠商的儀表,它也能用普通的連接器,前置放大器的信號沒有要求。 2750產生的前置放大器的信號和2760相同,但裝置有兩種不同的信號輸出:一是兩線制的4-20mA回路輸出;二是數字(S3L)輸出。它們允許較長的電纜長度,并能和Signet8900多功能控制器連接。 2750能提供PH/ORP電極類型自動識別功能,它也可選擇Easycal功能,允許簡易的鍵盤校驗,并有LED顯示的反饋。 DryLoc?電極連接器,不僅為浸入式安裝提供了快速的、牢固的配置,并且可用于在線安裝,NEM4 4X/RP65密封接線盒是2750在線型的一體化部件,并且也可做為2750的附件應用。
工作范圍:PH:0-14 光隔離
:-2000—2000mV 光隔離
50-60HZ,10W max
電流輸出:4-20mA 無隔離,有源的,內供電電源
回路抗阻:350Ω max @ 12V
950Ω max @ 24V
電纜類型: 兩芯雙絞線屏蔽電纜(22 AWG).
CE UL 制造符合ISO9001:2000質量 ISO14001:2004環(huán)境管理標準

GF+SIGNET 2750/2760 變送器和前置放大器詳細英文介紹

2750 DryLoc® pH-ORP Sensor Electronics


The Signet 2750 pH/ORP Sensor Electronics featuring the DryLoc® connector, provides a variety of functions to suit various requirements.

The 2750 has a preamplified signal and features two different outputs: a twowire 4 to 20 mA loop output with EasyCal function or a digital (S3L) output which allows for longer cable lengths and is compatible with the Signet 8900 Multi-Parameter Controller.

The 2750 self-configures for pH or ORP operation via automatic recognition of the electrode type. The optional EasyCal feature allows simple push-button calibration and includes an LED indicator for visual feedback.

The DryLoc® electrode connector quickly forms a robust assembly for submersible and in-line installations. NEMA 4X junction enclosures are integral parts of the 2750 in-line version and are also available as accessories for the submersible 2750.

The 2750 submersible preamplifier can also be used as an In-line preamplifier when used with the 3/4” or 1” threaded sensors including the 2724, 2774 and 2764 series electrodes. The 2750 In-line preamplifier can be used with Signet fittings up to DN100 (4 in.) and wet-tap assemblies.

Online Catalog

Fields of Application:

  • Water and Wastewater Treatment
  • Neutralisation Systems
  • Scrubber Control
  • Effluent Monitoring
  • Surface Finishing
  • Flocculent Coagulation
  • Heavy Metal Removal and Recovery
  • Toxics Destruction
  • Sanitisation Systems
  • Aquatic Animal Life Support Systems
  • Pool & Spa Control


  • In-line integral mount and submersible installation versions
  • Automatic temperature compensation
  • Auto configuration for pH or ORP operation
  • Optional EasyCal calibration aid with automatic buffer recognition
  • Junction boxes for convenient wiring


  • CE

Downloads  (選型手冊下載)
Data Sheet - 2750 DryLoc® pH/ORP Sensor Electronics (pdf, 0.4 MB)
Manuals  (使用說明書下載)
English (pdf, 1.4 MB)
Compatible Products  (兼容產品鏈接)
2724-2726 pH/ORP Electrodes
2764-2767 Differential DryLoc® pH/ORP Electrodes
2774-2777 Threaded DryLoc® pH/ORP Electrodes
3719 pH/ORP Wet-Tap
8900 Multi-Parameter Controller
pH/ORP Buffer Solutions

CE Certificates    (認證文件下載)
2750 CE Certificate (pdf, 0.0 MB)



2760 DryLoc® pH-ORP Preamplifiers and Connectors


The Signet 2760 pH/ORP Preamplifiers features the DryLoc® connector, providing a robust connection to Signet DryLoc® electrodes.

The 2760 preamplifier allows any DryLoc® pH/ORP electrode to work with Signet ProcessPro® and ProPoint® pH/ORP instruments. It is also sold as a simple connector for use with other manufacturers’ instruments that do not require a preamplified signal.

The DryLoc® electrode connector system quickly forms a robust assembly for submersible and in-line installations. NEMA 4X junction enclosures are to extend the preamplifier cable to long distances.

The 2760 submersible preamplifier can also be used as an In-line preamplifier when used with the ¾ in. or 1 in. threaded sensors including the 2724, 2774 and 2764 series electrodes. The 2760 In-line preamplifier can be used with Signet fittings up to DN100 (4 in.) and wet-tap assemblies.

Online Catalog

Fields of Application:

  • Water and Wastewater Treatment
  • Neutralisation Systems
  • Scrubber Control
  • Effluent Monitoring
  • Surface Finishing
  • Flocculent Coagulation
  • Heavy Metal Removal and Recovery
  • Toxics Destruction
  • Sanitisation Systems
  • Aquatic Animal Life Support Systems
  • Pool & Spa Control


  • In-line integral mount and submersible installation versions
  • Automatic temperature compensation
  • Auto configuration for pH or ORP operation
  • Junction boxes for convenient wiring


  • CE

Downloads  (選型手冊下載)
Data Sheet - 2760 DryLoc® pH/ORP Preamplifiers & Connectors (pdf, 0.4 MB)
Manuals  (使用說明書下載)
English (pdf, 0.4 MB)
Compatible Products   (兼容產品鏈接)
2724-2726 pH/ORP Electrodes
2764-2767 Differential DryLoc® pH/ORP Electrodes
2774-2777 Threaded DryLoc® pH/ORP Electrodes
pH/ORP Buffer Solutions
CE Certificates  (認證文件下載)
2760 CE Certificate (pdf, 0.0 MB)

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