架空絕緣電纜Aerialinsulated cables
Range ofapplication
The products can be applied in the transmission and distributtem ofaerial power lines with rated voltage from 1kV to 35kV
額定電壓1kV及以下架空絕緣電纜GB 12527-2008。
額定電壓10kV架空絕緣電纜GB 14049-2008。
額定電壓 1kV鋼芯鋁絞線芯架空絕緣電纜-企業(yè)標準。
Executive standard
Aerial insulated cables for rated voltage up to and including 1kVconform to GB12527-2008
Aerial insulated cables with rated voltage of 10kV conform to GB14049-2008.
Aluminum conductor steel-reinforced aerial insulated cables withrated voltage of 1 kV comply with -The enterprise standard.
Aerial insulated cables for rated voltage up to and including 35kVcomply with -The enterprise standard.
Type and descrition
型號 Types | 名稱 Descriptions | 敷設方式 Laying methods |
JKV、JKLV、 JKLHV、 JKY、JKLY、 JKLHY、JKYJ、 JYLYJ、JKLHYJ、JKYJB | 銅、鋁芯聚氯乙烯絕緣架空電纜 Cu./Al. core PVC insulated aerial cable 鋁合金芯聚氯乙烯絕緣架空電纜 A-alloy core PVC insulated ae rial cable 銅、鋁芯聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 Cu./Al. core polythene insulated ae rial cable 鋁合金芯聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 A-alloy core polythene insulated ae rial cable 銅、鋁芯交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 Cu./Al core XLPE insulated ae rial cable 鋁合金芯交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 A-alloy core XLPE insulated ae rial cable 銅芯交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣平行進戶線 Cu. core XLPE insulated parallel house lead in | 架空固定敷設引戶線等Aerial fixed laying outgoing line etc |
JKYJ、JKLYJ、 JKTRYJ、 JKLHYJ、JKY、 JKLY、JKTRY、 JKLHY、JKGYJ、 JKLGYJ | 銅、鋁交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 Cu./Al.core XLPE insulated aerial cable 軟銅芯交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 Flexible Cu.core XLPE insulated aerial cable 鋁合金芯交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 A-alloy core XLPE insulated aerial cable 銅、鋁芯聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 Cu./Al.core polythene insulated aerial cable 軟銅芯聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 Flexible Cu. core polythene insulated aerial cable 鋁合金芯聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 A-alloy core polythene insulated aerial cable 鋼芯銅絞線交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 Cu.conductor steel-reinforced XLPE insulated aerial cable 鋼芯鋁絞線交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 Alconductor steel-reinforced XLPE insulated aerial cable | 架空固定敷設、軟銅芯產品用于變壓器引下線。電纜架空時,應考慮電纜和樹木保持一定距離;電纜運行時,允許電纜和樹木頻繁接觸。鋼芯型架空電纜用于山區(qū),河流跨越敷設。 Aerial fixed laying flexible Cu core products a re used asdownleads of transformers. While laying aerial cables ,shall keep cables a certain distance from trees , du ringthe operation of cables, frequent contacts betweencables and trees are permitted. Steel core aerial cablesare used for crossing laying of valleys and rivers. |
JKLYJ/B、 JKLHYJ/B | 鋁芯本色交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 Al.core original color XLPE insulated aeria cable 鋁合金本色交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣架空電纜 A-alloy original color XLPEinsulated aeria cable | 架空固定敷設、電纜架設時,應考慮電纜和樹木保持一定距離:電纜運行時,允許電纜和樹木頻繁接觸。 While laying and fixing aerial cables,shall keep cables acertain distance from trees , during the operation of cables, frequent conta cts between cables and trees arepermitted. |
JKLYJ/Q、 JKLHYJ/Q、 JKLY/Q、 JKLHY/Q | 鋁芯輕型交聯(lián)聚乙烯薄絕緣架空電纜 Al. core light-duty thin XLPE insulated aerial cable 鋁合金芯輕型交聯(lián)聚乙烯薄絕緣架空電纜 A-alloy core light-duty thin XLPE insulated aerial cable 鋁芯輕型聚乙烯薄絕緣架空電纜 Al.core light-duty thin polythene insulated aerial cable 鋁合金芯輕型聚乙烯薄絕緣架空電纜 A-alloy core light-duty thin polythene insulated aerial cable | 架空固定敷設、電纜架設時,應考慮和樹木保持一定距離:電纜運行時,允許電纜和樹木短時接觸。 While laying and fixing aerial cables , shall keep cables acertain distance from trees, du ring the operation ofcables, short-fime contacts between cables and treesare permitted |
1.額定電壓分別為1kV、10kV、20kV、35 kV2.電纜敷設溫度應不低于-20℃
Operating characteristics
1.Rated voltage: U=1kV,10kV,20kV and 35kV.
2.Temperature of cable laying should not be lower than-20℃
3.Max.temperature of cable in short-cifcuit (Max.duration lessthan5s):
For XLPEinsulation:250CFor HDPEinsulation:150CFor PVCinsulation:160℃
4.Max.long-term operation temperature ofconductors:For PVC insulation:≤70℃
For polythene in Sulation:s70℃
For XLPEinsulation:≤90℃
5.Allowable bendlng radius:
For single cofe cables> 15 times of outer diamerer
For multi-core cables>10 times ofouter diameter
五、生產范圍 Scope of production
2、其中(A)表示鋼承絞線, (B)為鋁合金承載絞線
Note: 1. Krefers to bearing strand, it can choose any arranged section of table with corresponding conductor, lf span ofpoles is longer and addtional bearing track rope is adopted, the track rope isntincluded in the cable structure.
2,(A)refer to steel bearing strand,(B)refer to A-allov bearing strand.
3,Besides, we can produce steel core aerial insulated cables according to the requirements of customers
額定電壓1 kV架空絕緣電纜絕緣電阻見施加下表,10 kV、35 kV無絕緣屏蔽的成品電纜浸入水中不少于1h,施加80-500V直流電壓,穩(wěn)定時間應不小于1min,且不大于5min。額定電壓10kV電纜的絕緣電阻應不小于1500MΩ·km,輕型薄絕緣結構電纜的絕緣電阻應不小于1000MΩk m。額定電壓35kV電纜的絕緣
1.Operatillg temperatureFor aerial insulated cables with rated voltage of 1 kV,the operating tempof PVC and polythene insulated ones should not exceed 70C and XLPEinsulated ones should not exceed 90C . For aerial insulated cables withrated voltage of 10kV and 35kV,the operating temp. of XLPE insulatedones should not exceed 90℃,and HDPE insulated ones should notexceed 75℃.
2.Resistance and tension force of cables refer to following table
3.Insulation resistance of cables
4.Insulation resistance of aerial insulated cables with rated voltage of 1kVrefer to following table . For finished cables with rated voltage of 10kVand 35kV without instllatio screen . if immersed in water for less than 1h.and impose a DC voltage from 80V to 500V the stable time shall be betwe-en 1 to 5 mins. For cables with rated voltage of 10kV.tile insulation resistance shall be not less than 1 500MΩ· km. for light-duty thill insulated cables. the insulation resistance shall be not less than 1 000MΩ· km, for thecables with rated voltage of 35kV the insulation resistance shall be notless than 4100MΩ· km.
5. Partial discharge testPartial discharge test shall be done on 10kV insulated screened cables.The test is carried out on a drumined cable which is immersed into waterand AC voltage of 9kV is imposed, and tile discharge of cable should notexceed 20pC.
七、載流量Current-carrying capacity
Corre ction coeficie nt ofcurrent-carrying capa city at different ambient temperatures
2、電纜敷設時,額定電壓1kV架空絕緣電纜彎曲半徑應不小于電纜外徑的10倍,10 kV、20kV、35kV架空絕緣電纜應不小于外徑的15倍。
Operating requirements
1.Cables shall be laid at a temp. highel than. 20°C.Iftemp. is lower1than-20°C,cables shall be ple-heated beforelaying.
2.When the cables are being laid. the belldillg radlLIS of aeriali11SUlated cables with rated voltage 0f 1kV shall not be less than 10times of outer diameter of cables and the ones of aerial insulatedcables with a rated voltage of 1 0kV, 20kV and 35kV shall not beless thall 15 times of outer diametel of cables.
3.Setting methods of cables are the Same with the one of bare wiresthat is to fix it on a crossing insulator and yet the distance can beeduced property.
4.Cables shall be applied in conjunction with exclusively-designedaerialinsulated cables fittiings.
5.During the laying and storage of cables,please ensure the tight-ness of cable ends in case water goes into cables and affects itsProperty.
6.The long-term operating temp(allowable long-term operatingtemp.of conductor)for XLPEinulated cables shall not exceed90°C.and shall not for exceed 75°C for HDPE insulated cables,for polythene and PVC insulated cables. it shall not exceed 70°C in a short- circuit. with max. duration within 5s,the temp. of XLPEinsulated cables shall not exceed 250C,and for HDPE,polytheneand PVC,it shall not exceed 150°C