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來源:金湖西亞自動化儀表有限公司   2013年10月24日 09:42  
中文版: 我國儀器儀表行業(yè)發(fā)展到今天,在磁翻板液位計產品技術和質量沒有突破性創(chuàng)新的時候,諸多的中低端產品已出現產能過剩情況,磁翻板液位計產品同質化現象嚴重,加大發(fā)生行業(yè)危機的風險。我國的磁翻板液位計產業(yè)產值已經在制造業(yè)產值中20%,但這些大都是只是靠附加值磁翻板液位計產品數量達到了占有目的,有國內制造業(yè)領域產品技術不高,一款產品被重復開發(fā)很多次,在技術又沒有突破,這就造成了相當大的資源浪費。其中高壓開關這一產品表現尤其符合這一不良模式。具體而言磁翻板液位計產業(yè)發(fā)展對技術發(fā)展及應用市場會帶來良好的預期,將推動我國的磁翻板液位計產業(yè)及相關制造行業(yè)的發(fā)展;中低磁翻板液位計產業(yè)的應用市場必然會進一步擴大。"十二五"時期,我國儀器儀表行業(yè)應以堅強智能建設為契機,核心技術研究,加速交、直流高壓設備的*國產化;并通過對磁翻板液位計產業(yè)設備及集成技術的前期研究,力求在磁翻板液位計產業(yè)裝備關鍵技術有重點突破;努力促進磁翻板液位計產業(yè)結構優(yōu)化、升級,進一步提升行業(yè)整體技術水平和競爭力,努力實現儀器儀表行業(yè)由大到強的轉變。英文版:China's instrumentation industry today, when the turning plate level gauge technology and quality products no breakthrough innovation in high-end magnetic, many low-end products have excess capacity situation, magnetic level gauge products homogenization phenomenon is serious, increase the risk of the industry crisis. Our magnetic level meter industry output value has been in the global manufacturing output in 20%, but these are only on the value added magnetic level gauge the number of products to achieve the purpose of possession, the domestic manufacturing industry product technology is not high, a product to be repeated many times in the technology development, and there is no breakthrough, this has resulted in considerable waste of resources. The high voltage switch this product performance is particularly meets this failure mode. Specifically magnetic level meter industry development on technology development and application of the market is expected to bring about good, will promote the development of China's high-end magnetic level gauge business industry and related manufacturing industry; application market of low magnetic level meter industry will further expand. "Twelfth Five Year Plan" period, China's instrumentation industry should take strong and inligent building as an opportunity, the core technology research, fully accelerating the localization, DC high voltage equipment; and through the early studies of magnetic level meter industry equipment and technology integration, in order to magnetic level key technology industrial equipment key breakthrough; efforts to promote magnetic level gauge, the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, improve the overall industry technical level and international competitiveness, and strive to achieve the instrumentation industry from large to strong changes.


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